3 things quarantine has made me realize about myself…

mindset Mar 25, 2020


Being forced to stop, reflect and analyze my life, makes me realize how truly blessed I am. When things were “normal” I would feel down on myself… like I was never doing enough or hadn’t accomplished enough in my life. I took a lot of things for granted.

But I’m slowly coming to realize a newfound respect for myself, my values are changing and my gratitude for life is at an all-time high.

The things that I used to value, or think were “success” can’t take away having a healthy body, a roof over my head, an amazing man to share life with, awesome friendships with amazing people and all of the little things we typically take for granted. That’s what a successful life means to me now, that’s what “wealth” is. Money is great but it comes and goes and is no longer the basis of “success” to me.


and let go of things that are out of my control. This one is hard for me. I love knowing what’s going to come next I like creating my own schedule and being able to predict my weeks months and so on. However, everything is in question right now. When will things get back to normal? What happens next? What will happen to my business? Right now, I’m forced to sit back, wait it out and despite the fear and anxiety creeping up I’m learning to have HOPE and trust that everything will unfold the way it’s supposed to do. I have no other choice.


I can’t control the current situation, but I can control my attitude towards it. I can control what I do with my days. I can control my diet, my water, my productivity these little things I can control not just on quarantine but every day!

Quarantine is not ideal… I mean let’s cut the shit… it plain out fucking sucks! I go through so many ups and downs from day to day and moment to moment, but all I can do is try my best to make the most of it and try to be as positive as possible.

Which one of these 3 realizations do you resonate with? Comment below and let me know. We’re all in this together.

With Love,

Elise Borelli

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