food nutrition Jul 01, 2019

I have the BIGGEST sweet tooth and I am the WORST when it comes to sugar cravings!!!

If I could… I would probably eat cookies, brownies, cheesecake, ice cream… pretty much anything sweet all day every day. BUT… I know this isn’t realistic and in order to continue to reach my fitness goals, I have to make sure I’m only enjoying myself in MODERATION. In order to do this, I’ve found a few ways to keep these cravings at bay.



If you start to deprive yourself from the things you enjoy, you’re setting yourself up on a fast track to binge eating, over doing it and completely sabotaging your progress, trust me, it’s happened to me on several occasions! So, in order to stay balanced, I follow the 80/20 rule. I eat healthy, nutrient dense, high protein foods 80% of the time and the other 20% I allow myself to indulge and fully enjoy my favorite treats guilt free!

TIP: Stop playing both sides of the spectrum. You can’t be on one side eating everything you want ALLLL the time and you can’t be on the other side dramatically saying NO to everything you love. Find the middle ground of balance by implementing the 80/20 rule daily to keep your sanity!!!


After enjoying a sweet treat, I tend to want more and more, ESPECIALLY at night. But, in order to fight this temptation to keep going back for 2nds, 3rds and even 4ths (I told you, I’m really bad at this lol), I chug WATER! When I drink water after my favorite desserts, I’m able to realize how full I really am which settles down my craving of wanting more. However, when I eat, and eat, and eat without water, I over do it every time!!!

TIP: Drink at least 8oz of water after your favorite treat. Wait 20min and see if you still want more. Nine times out of 10, you’re craving will be satisfied and you’ll have saved yourself a ton of extra calories.


When I go too long without eating, I get extremely irritable and crave ALLLL the bad foods. This is because when you go too long without food, your blood sugar levels drop. This drop in blood sugar increases hunger typically towards carbohydrates or sugary foods. This happens to me every time! Instead of eating my already made healthy options at home I gravitate towards eating out. Things like burgers, Mexican food, anything greasy and salty and then want dessert right after! Instead of doing this to myself, I have to be prepared. This is another reason why it’s so important to eat every 2-3 hours. Not only does shortening your time between meals keep your metabolism running, it keeps you in check by limiting your cravings for things that will hold back your progress.

TIP: BE PREPARED! Don’t guess on what you’re going to eat throughout the day. Meal prep and/or always have healthy snacks on deck so you have healthy options to choose from instead of constantly fighting your cravings.


I am the worst with bored eating! I tend to crave sweets the most when I’m sitting at home on the couch, watching TV with not much to do. So, in order to fight these cravings I get out of the house and MOVE! Instead of playing this mental ping pong game in my head of.. “ should I eat that?,” “no don’t do it,” “hey why not!?” I just go on a short walk. Getting up and changing my scenery, takes my mind off of eating and even burns off a few extra calories. When I do this, I usually go home and completely forget I was even craving anything in the first place.

TIP: Avoid bored eating by getting out of the house! Go on a mini walk when you feel yourself seeking out food just for the heck of it. Also, don’t forget to drink WATER! If it’s late a night and you can’t go on a walk, revert back to #2.


I try to keep my sugar cravings at bay with fruit as much as possible. Fruits are a guilt free way to get my sugar fix and still get in some micronutrients like Vitamin C and even some fiber.

TIP: Keep seasonal fruits on deck. I LOVE strawberries so as a sweet treat I eat strawberries with low-fat greek yogurt. It’s delicious and definitely cuts my sugar cravings.

If you suffer from sugar cravings, trust me, you’re not alone, I’m right there with you!

But, you can beat them! Try implementing some of the tips I’ve outlined above and let me know how it goes!?

Which tip do you find the most useful?


With Love,

Elise Borelli

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