I gained 7 lbs in 1 weekend.. here’s what I did

fitness mindset nutrition Mar 09, 2020

Last week Chase and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary by going on a weekend getaway to Seattle.

It was soo much fun with tons of food & too much drinking #prettytypical

Mac & cheese, clam chowder, Brazilian steakhouse, Titos, beer, more Titos, more beer and then ohh... more food.


Ohhh girllll I did not hold back and inevitably in one weekend, I gained 7 pounds .

The old me would have stepped on the scale on Monday morning and FREAKED OUT.


The old me would have gotten discouraged, felt guilty and would have done 1 of 2 things...

  1. Either started to completely DEPRIVE myself

  2. or... said SCREW IT and continue on with the "vacation vibes" of eating and drinking


Can you relate to the post vacation guilt?


But... after several trips of this happening and not being anything new to me... all I did was...

  1. Hop on the scale laugh for a moment and think about the amazing memories I made with my best friend

  2. Realized that there's NO WAY I gained 7lbs of FAT in 2 days so most of that was probably WATER

  3. Got right back to my fitness & nutrition routine

and guess what... by getting back to my routine I was able to drop that excess weight in less than 2 weeks.


Gaining weight on any vacation is NORMAL. But the way you handle that once you get back is up to you.

If you're used to that deprivation and guilt after vacation, I get it! That was me for sooo long.

But, that feeling typically comes when:

  1. You don't have a ROUTINE to get back to when you get home

  2. You still think you need to deprive yourself to get back to where "you were"

  3. You're used to that weight "sticking" because you don't know how to live in BALANCE and continue to see RESULTS once you get back home


If you're planning any type of vacation this year, I promise a weekend or even a week of indulgence will NOT hinder your overall progress.

As long as you get back ON TRACK once you get home you will be OK!

If you're having a hard time knowing what "on track" is for you, you're in LUCK!


BFIT Body & Mind Academy 2.0 is still open for enrollment.

In this 12 week program, I give my clients the strategies they need to create a SUSTAINABLE & BALANCED lifestyle for LIFE. No more food guilt, no more deprivation just a solid ROUTINE that will allow you to enjoy the foods you love and still see RESULTS.

If this sounds like something you need, [click here] to join the waitlist, send me a DM on any of my social media sites or head over to the “contact me” and send me an email.

Let's ditch the food guilt and deprivation so you can see RESULTS with balance & confidence.

I promise you, You CAN reach your goals and achieve the amazing transformation of your dreams and I’m here to help you!!!

With Love,

Elise Borelli

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