Let's Keep Up the Motivation!

fitness mindset Jul 22, 2019

This week I want to dive a little deeper into how to have consistent gym motivation. It’s easy to get started right out the gate, but keeping that initial enthusiasm intact is a completely different story.

To Recap:

Last week I outlined the 3 MUST-HAVES in order to keep your gym motivation at an all-time high.

1) Know Your WHY
2) Have a SPECIFIC Goal
3) Have a PLAN

These 3 things need to always be at the forefront of your mind because if you lose sight of either of these 3 things, life easily gets in the way and it's easy to push your goals, health, & fitness to the back burner, trust me, I know from my own experience.

However, despite keeping these 3 MUST-HAVES constantly in mind, holding ourselves accountable can still be extremely tough! This week I'm giving you 5 more ways you can keep your gym motivation at its peak 🙌🏽


Make sure you’re setting REALISTIC and ATTAINABLE goals. Start by setting small goals. Think 1 week, 1 month or 3 months depending on what works for you. Breaking down your large goal of “I want to lose 30lbs by next month” into “I want to lose 1lbs a week” takes away the pressure and becomes much more attainable.


Keeping ourselves accountable is TOUGH! Find a friend who can hold you accountable to reaching your goals. Make sure this friend is someone who will CALL YOU OUT when you’re not living up to your best and making excuses. This person also needs to be your biggest fan and CHEER YOU ON as you hit every milestone along the way to reaching your goals.

If you don’t have a friend like this in mind, think about hiring a personal trainer or online coach. I have plenty of clients who know how to workout on their own but due to busy schedules they know having a designated appointment set with me increases their accountability and likelihood of showing up their workout. If having an appointment works better for you, invest in yourself and hire a trainer to hold you accountable.


Tracking your progress is so important when it comes to gym motivation. When you track your progress you’re able to see and celebrate when you’re accomplishing small goals. If you have a competitive mindset, tracking also helps push you to continue progressing each workout and helps you stay consistent. It’s all about being better than the day before and tracking encourages you to bring your best every day. If you’re getting bored with your workouts, you can also look back and see the last time you switched things up and adjust your program as needed to keep things fresh and fun.


If you have a busy day and know you hate pushing yourself through a hard workout afterwards, find something else! Try a spin class, yoga class, kickboxing, pilates, whatever it is you enjoy! Exercise should be something FUN not something you dread. In order to keep your motivation at an all time high it’s extremely important to ensure you look forward to it! Sometimes group classes can be the right answer to holding you accountable and motivated to continue showing up even when you don’t want to.


When you reach a small goal, reward yourself!!! It's okay to look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about the progress you're making. Reward yourself for all your hard work with a new pair of workout pants or a new pair of running shoes. You deserve it and you deserve to reward yourself for the amazing progress you’re making and going to continue making.


The best way to keep your gym motivation at an all time high to stay POSITIVE about where you’re at and what you’re working towards. Always think positive thoughts at the gym, and especially at the end of a workout. Tell yourself that you’re glad you came and give yourself a high five for crushing it. Positive reinforcement is a so important for self-motivation. If you think negative thoughts at the end of a workout like "I'm just glad this awful ordeal is over", you will be setting yourself up to dread ever returning to the gym again and probably won’t show up for tomorrow's workout if you have another busy day in store.


With Love,

Elise Borelli

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