Here's why you might not be seeing results...

fitness nutrition Jul 27, 2020


If you're currently busting your butt, eating all the right things, and getting in your workouts but are STILL failing to see results YOU MY FRIEND... have hit a PLATEAU...⁠ ⁠

But, don't get discouraged!

It happens to the best of us! Myself included and now it's time to move the needle forward again.⁠

Here are 4️⃣ reasons WHY you might have hit a plateau and EXACTLY HOW you can overcome it to get you back to seeing the results you want 🎉

Inside I give you not 4 but 7️⃣ reasons why you might have hit a plateau.

1️⃣ You aren't in a sufficient calorie deficit or you're in too low of a calorie deficit making you HOLD ONTO FAT

  • When thinking about “CICO” calories in vs calories out sometimes it’s not as “simple” as just saying “eat less.” Yes, you DEFINITELY need to be a calorie deficit if you want to lose fat/weight but at the same time you have to be cautious of being in “too low” of a calorie deficit. Remember… your bodies SOLE purpose is to KEEP YOU ALIVE, thus in the event that you’re stuck on a deserted island your body has fat stores to sustain itself. When you’re not eating enough throughout the day your body goes into this same “deserted island” effect so when you do eat something instead of burning it off as fuel your body will it store it as fat.


    If you’re currently over eating, then the next step would be to eat less of course. However, more often than not what I find is that most women typically have a problem with not eating enough. So in order to fix this, you first need to evaluate how MUCH you’re actually consuming. You can do this by using a tool like myfitnesspal to track your “typical” daily intake and then increase your calories by 100-150 per week. There is a calorie sweet spot! If you need help figuring out what yours is please contact me by using the link below or send me a DM on IG (@elise_bfit).

2️⃣ Your workouts aren't intense enough aka not burning enough calories

  • The workouts tend to be the “easy” part for most women however, what tends to happen is you get stuck in your usual routine. 


    Your body adapts to the stress that you put on. Thus, you HAVE to switch up your workout routines AT LEAST every 4-6 weeks in order to allow your body to adapt to NEW stimulus. Think about what you’ve been doing, how long have you been doing this? If you can’t remember the last time you switched up your workout routine then chances are you’re in need of a change and is attributing to your plateau. When talking about switching up your routine, it doesn’t have to be major! Some ways you can easily make adjustments include: increasing your overall intensity but limiting rest times, focus more on your tempo but either picking it up or slowing it down, incorporate new exercises that target different muscle fibers etc.

3️⃣ You aren't getting enough sleep for recovery & or not drinking enough water

  • Proper nutrition & exercise aren’t always the end all be all. You still HAVE to prioritize sleep & water. 


    Your body NEEDS sleep for recovery! During sleep your body is still at work repairing all of your body's tissues, cells and the stress you’ve been putting on it mentally & physically which is CRITICAL to your overall wellbeing but also the progress you’re making. Everyone’s sleep needs are different but as a rule of thumb you should try to shoot for 7 hours. This will help with overall mental clarity but also help limit stress throughout the following day aiding in your overall fat-loss. As for water, this is another major important factor. Again as a rule of thumb you should shoot for AT LEAST 1/2 your body weight in ounces to keep your body from getting dehydrated. Similar to the deserted island effect with food, when you don’t drink enough water your body will hold onto it.

4️⃣ You're not consistent enough aka sabotaging your progress on the weekends

  • This happens when you aren’t living BALANCED throughout the week!


    In order to see SUSTAINABLE and LONG TERM RESULTS you have to incorporate BALANCE! You can’t continue to deprive yourself throughout the week and then binge eat on the weekends. You can enjoy yourself in moderation no matter what day is! Remembering that food is not the enemy is going to be crucial! If you need help finding balance in your life, maybe it’s time to see if my 12 Week BFIT Body & Mind Program is for you. Inside I help my clients let go of food guilt so they can live their best lives with balance & confidence. 

I know you’ve been trying so hard and for so long but don’t get discouraged! I hope a few of these were ahhahhh moments so you can start to make some adjustments to your routine and keep you moving in the right direction.

You can do this!



PS -- if you're really wanting to see results don't forget to download my FREE Ebook Pushing Past the Plateau. Inside I give you not 4 but 7️⃣ reasons why you might have hit a plateau. Click the link in my bio and head to "FREEBIES" to download today.⁠

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If you’re having trouble loving carbs, letting go of the food guilt and ready to take the next step in your health & fitness and achieve SUSTAINABLE results, [Click Here] and let’s see if my 12 week BFIT Body & Mind Program is the right fit for you. I now take all of the things I’ve learned over the YEARS of making mistakes and help my clients achieve their own amazing transformations in 12 short weeks with balance & confidence.


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