fitness mindset nutrition Aug 20, 2019

You may look at my client transformations and think, “OMG! How did this happen so quickly!? I could never do that.”

But, I’m here to tell you this is sooo possible for you!!!

My clients achieved these quick results WITHOUT depriving themselves (Both of them had “treat meals” and still achieved this), WITHOUT teas or weight loss supplements and WITHOUT completely fixating over every calorie and every workout.

And like I said, this is possible for YOU too.

BUT! In order to achieve your own amazing transformation, you have to have these 3 Things:

  1. A proper fitness plan geared towards YOUR goals!

  2. A nutrition plan that allows for BALANCE instead of deprivation!

  3. The MINDSET and willingness to trust the process and see it through!

I’m going to be suppperrrr cliche here and remind you that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. If you have a goal without a plan, how do expect to achieve the goal? By hoping…? By praying…? By wasting money on pointless supplements that promise you’ll lose 10lbs in a week if you just take this magic pill…? NO GIRL! YOU NEED A PLAN!!!

When you’re prepared and know exactly what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to do in the gym day by day, you’re more likely to stick to it. You’re more likely to stay MOTIVATED and you’re more likely to hey… actually REACH YOUR GOAL!

Trying to purse a fitness goal without a plan is like trying to drive to New York from San Diego without Siri… yes, you can probably stop and ask for help here and there after days of driving in the wrong direction but it will take you sooooo much longer than just inputting the destination and knowing the exact route you’ll take to get there… am I right!?


Having a plan before you walk into the gym is sooo important!!! Knowing what you’re going to do ahead of time allows you to maximize your time in the gym so you can get in and get out especially if you have a busy schedule. Having a fitness plan also helps you stay CONSISTENT because you know EXACTLY what you’re doing and WHY which helps prevent any excuses of not going because you “don’t know what to do.”

One thing I want to mention it that so many women these days take to IG to find their workouts for the day which is AMAZING! I even provide workouts on my own IG page (elise_bfit) but… the one thing that these workouts DON’T DO is focus on YOU and YOUR GOALS, they are focused on that person & THEIR goals.

So, keep in mind, although the workouts are great, they may not fit your fitness level, your goals or your time frame. This is why having a plan that’s geared SPECIFICALLY to YOU is so important.

If you’re already putting in so much work in the gym, why do it in vain!?

This was the case for a lot of my clients. They went to the gym they did what they “thought” they were supposed to do based on things they read or saw on IG, BUT… THEY DIDN’T SEE RESULTS!

It wasn’t until I revamped what they were doing, created workouts to fit THEIR goals and THEIR time frame did they start to see results!


Again, having a plan is crucial to achieving your transformation BUT it has to be SUSTAINABLE!!! You can’t follow a meal plan forever, you can’t sacrifice your social life forever and you can’t DEPRIVE yourself of the foods you LOVE forever!

In order to achieve amazing results, especially results that last, you have to have a SUSTAINABLE and BALANCED nutrition program that allows you to reach your goals AND allows you to ENJOY LIFE.

I do this with my clients in various ways depending on their lifestyle and goals. This in itself is the biggest game changer! Sometimes just having someone in your corner to help you not feel GUILTY can be life changing!


You will NEVER have an AMAZING TRANSFORMATION unless you’re willing to PUT IN THE WORK! Yes, there will still be days you don’t want to work out and you’ll have to force yourself to go. Yes there will still be days where getting take out will be a lot easier than sticking to your meal plan or macros. BUT… you have to be willing to put in the work to see your goal become a reality. You have the ability to achieve your own transformation, you just have to stay motivated and find what works for YOU!

TIP: Ask for Help!

If you have trouble creating your own fitness and nutrition plan, ASK FOR HELP! My clients see amazing transformations because I help them create custom programs 100% tailored to them and THEIR goals. You don’t need to keep guessing, you don’t need to keep wasting time trying to figure it out on your own, you don’t have to keep hoping and praying that what you’re doing is going to work, all you need to do is be willing to invest in yourself and ASK FOR HELP!

If you want to work together 1:1 and achieve your own amazing transformation, let’s see if we’re a great fit to work together. To get the process started, apply or check out my coaching page for more details. Flexible Payment Plans Available & Prices will Be Going Up soon.

I promise you, You CAN reach your goals and achieve the amazing transformation you dream of and I’m here to help you!!!

With Love,

Elise Borelli


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