The ugly truth… reaching my body goals did NOT make me happy

fitness nutrition Jul 01, 2020




For the longest time, I was my own worst enemy. 

I would talk down to myself.

I would beat myself up for eating things that “weren’t good for me.” 

I would look in the mirror and pick myself apart.

All of those things… you guessed it... Lead me to have ZERO confidence in myself.

So, what did I do in my desperate attempt to “change”? 

I put alllll of my energy into achieving my body goals. 

I went to the extreme. I did a ton of cardio. I said no to EVERYTHING. I did everything I “thought” I needed to do to find confidence in myself. 

And, for the first time, I FINALLY saw abs, I finally had the body I dreamed about and yet something was missing. 

❌ I still looked in the mirror and picked my body apart.

❌ I still wasn’t any more confident in myself. 

❌ I still constantly compared myself and my body to other women. 

EXCEPT now I didn’t just have the body I “thought” I wanted… I still had ZERO confidence in myself and I had a newfound TERRIBLE RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD!

I felt even more stuck than before.

⁉️ Why was I still not happy?

⁉️ What was wrong with me?

⁉️ I should be happy now, right?  

Well, I had achieved the physical transformation but the big component that was missing was the MENTAL TRANSFORMATION. 

I thought that achieving my body goals would make me happy, but I learned that happiness doesn’t come from what I see on the “outside.”

It comes from how I feel and THINK about myself on the “inside.” 

So, I went back to work, except this time instead of trying to reach a body goal, I decided to go on an inner self-journey

I started to ask myself those tough questions… you know the ones that we always avoid...

Things like…

  • Why do I care about what people think about me? 

  • What do I love about myself?

  • What am I proud of myself for? 

  • How do I want to show up in the world? 

 I asked myself A LOT of questions and… I finally got to KNOW myself.

I paid more attention to my thoughts…

I got very clear on the person I wanted to be & become…

And the more that I dug deep to uncover those crazy and self-sabotaging thought patterns the more I truly started to LOVE myself.

 At first, it was such a WEIRD new feeling and honestly, it was a little overwhelming.

I noticed I was talking differently… 

I was starting to see things differently…

And I even started to show up differently…

But, for the first time in my life, I realized I was genuinely HAPPY and CONFIDENT in who I was!!!

I didn’t have to PRETEND anymore!!!

I didn’t have to FAKE IT!!!

I could finally show up as ME in all my glory authentically, with that all-powerful take it or leave it mentality. 

So, yes, body transformations are amazing… but, I’m telling you, the one that makes the biggest difference is the one you can’t see… and that’s the MENTAL TRANSFORMATION that it takes to genuinely love yourself for who you are no matter what your body looks like!

Wouldn’t you LOVE to feel that!?


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